Introducing Dependency Injection


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Really glad I attended this talk. I'd always been a bit scared of DI but Rob cleared up how to do it clearly.

Nice talk! Rob explained in a very simple and interesting way the "dependency injection" concept, showing how it can be effectively used in programming and make the code maintainable.


Anonymous at 12:45 on 5 Oct 2013

Good talk. Well delivered.

Great talk from a very clear speaker on a good subject. A lot to take away. Discovered I was using DI and DICs in my code just didn't know they were called that. And yes I do a lot of java programming :-)

Now have a much better understanding of DI, thank you!

Actually, DI doesn't appear to be that difficult at all, at least not after this clear talk about what they are exactly.

Pretty much echo what Jon Spriggs said above!

A well presented talk with a great analogy with code examples to help the subject matter.

Complete newbie to Dependency Injection and now feel ready & able to get to grips with it. Well explained, well presented and with an appropriate example that follows through.

Quite liked the explanation of why each stage of the solution had problems, how to improve it and what the next step to full DI was.

Anonymous at 14:59 on 5 Oct 2013

It was only for begginers. Some more advance topics was missing

Really enjoyed the talk, so glad I attended as Rob clarified some stumbling blocks for me. Will definitely have to look into #Pimple DIC's.

Really good introduction, well delivered talk. It'd be great to have some hints about what some of the 'advanced' issues are (and where to read about them/find out more) as a penultimate slide would be really helpful (that probably applies to most of the talks).

Very interesting topic, good example, bad presentation (speaker has to improve the communication skills).

A good talk that explained an otherwise daunting topic in easy to understand terms.

presented really well. enjoyed the talk; would have liked a bit more time spent on the automated dependency injection part.

Explained the topic and the benefits very clearly.

I have seen a talk on DI before and appreciated the warning about it being introductory before the talk officially began, but the stuff towards the end about DI Containers was useful, especially the usage examples.

This talk had lots of "Aah!" moments in it. As said during the talk, DI is such a simple concept but is made confusing by the fancy name -
and was explained perfectly by Rob in a very short amount of time

Once it was explained, it was great to hear Rob's opinion on the different ways DI is used, and in what situations we should (or should never) use them

I really enjoyed Rob's presentation style. He made you feel confident that you're going to get this - and you did. He kept things simple, the idea of using paper as an example was a stroke of genius, and he looked like he really belonged on that stage

Excellent talk, very well presented and the simple example running throughout made it easy to pick up DI.

Anonymous at 15:46 on 8 Oct 2013

I've seen one of Rob's talks before at PHPNW12, and quite like his confident, let's-get-to-the-bottom-of-this style.

This talk was well titled and very focused.

Rob really knows his stuff and explains it clearly and honestly.

Well delivered talk - I found to be a good introduction to DI.

A nice introduction to DI and DICs that replaced the jargon with basic concepts. The content covered will have an immediate impact on my work, which can only be a good thing.

Really nice introduction for someone who hasn't had the chance to do any of this stuff. Good speaker, if a bit quiet at times. Very enjoyable.

DI finally explained in a way that makes so much sense. The slides have been useful following the conference as I have been using them for reference to refactor a package of mine. So that's brownie points for the worked examples.