Being effective with legacy projects


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Great insight and new way of looking into legacy projects. Nice and smooth talk, but the hiring pitch in the end was not cool in this kind of conference.

Great talk, will try to implement some of the ideas.

Youri Thielen at 23:00 on 25 Jun 2016

Good talk although I expected more hands on code examples, this was definitely very insightful.

Anonymous at 14:57 on 27 Jun 2016

Unfortunately, the talk didn't work for me. While the presentation style was fine, I was hoping to pick up some tips and techniques for handling actual legacy code, especially the old code where concerns aren't properly seperated.
The talk seemed to be mostly about handling corporate culture around large-scale projects with a fairly well organized code base. I'm sure this is very useful for people in that situation, but as a developer of small-scale client-driven projects there was little in it for me.

Great perspective on the real world problems that affect legacy projects, aside from the code

Ellen Boven at 20:29 on 27 Jun 2016

Interesting talk, with some good ideas for working with legacy projects

The talk was fine, but I had other expectations for this one. It turned out to be more about the right mindset of all people involved in a legacy project than how to deal with legacy on the source code level.

Tom Lether at 15:58 on 9 Jul 2016

Good talk, an interesting and logical approach to legacy projects. A programmer usually thinks from the code but this was an eye opener.