Developing & Deploying High Performance PHP Applications


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The warning given in the opening talk about sponsors not allowing to do a 'sales pitch' might have been specifically about this talk.

I certainly felt that the title should have been 'PHP and the OracleDB'. It certainly felt like a sales pitch for the oracleDB in larger usecases. (certainly that includes scalability and high performance, but it doesnt focus on the `vendor agnostic` problems developers run into: just how the new oracleDB solves specific issues)

Too bad, i would have expected that `an Oracle`-guy would have more experiences in generic large scale application problems and generic solutions.

I'm afraid i have to agree witg 'gekkie' about that. It really was more of a sales pitch than how to develop high performance php applications.
The only usefull thing for high performance was connection pooling. The rest was just sales, and some usefull stuff about developing in general

It was mainly a promo for oracle... Not quite what we had hoped for. One star for the usb stick though. :)

I agree, more sales as needed.

While I agree that the talk had an (expected) sales-pitch nature, I found it valuable to get an overview of current and upcoming Oracle Techologies I might want to look more deeply into. The things shown about oci8 were interesting. I didnt know all of them yet, so I take something home from this talk.

I also found the "State of the Oracle Union" overview valuable as I don't keep up with where they are and it was an excellent summary of where their tech is. It's a shame the synopsis in the pamphlet didn't include the information that it would be there like the website did.

If anything, the title was incorrect though as it implies a more generic talk than what the actual talk was, which concentrated on the features within Oracle that allowed for high performance.

As said above it was very sales focussed, and a big part of the information I got I could have also just read on the oracle website.

To my opinion the title and description did not match the actual content of the talk. I expected something different.

The talk was pretty much Sales focussed, it did not belong with the great talks I heard this weekend.

Most information I heard could've probably been read in the FEATURE list on the Oracle website.

I did see a few code lines in the slides, but they seemed to be in there just to make the presentation appear technical.

Improvements: The speaker could have selected 1 or 2 great new oracle products and then show us how they can be used in the real world (code examples, some cool features and how they work). It would still be a way to promote the use of those 2 oracle products, but the technical details would keep the crowd happy.

For the next time, please:
1) choose the title more carefully, in this case it was absolutely misleading.
2) if the organizer explicitly asks you not to use the talk for promotional purposes, don't.

I knew nothing specific about Oracle products, so it was great to get some quick insights, but still, the talk was too sales-focused, and before all, the title has been grossly misleading.

The full abstract of the talk in the online schedule mentioned the two parts of the talk. Unfortunately only the second part of the abstract was reproduced in the printed schedule and this may have contributed to the expectation mismatch.

For slides, see my php|tek slides at