Did you know the purely relational dogma of SQL was already abandoned in 1999?

The last SQL standard that was limited to the relational idea was SQL-92. From SQL:1999 onwards, the SQL language was extended with non-relational operations and non-relational data structures. As much as this move was discussed at that time, it took decades until database vendors caught up with this idiomatic change. Many SQL users haven’t heard of it until today.

The year 2018 finally marks the turning point. With the release of MySQL 8.0 all major SQL dialects finally support the most important non-relational concepts of SQL.

This talk provides the big picture on the evolution of the SQL standard and introduces some selected modern SQL features by example. You will see that SQL has changed as much as our requirements have changed over the past decades.


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Really interesting and learned more about sql

Gert de Pagter at 22:25 on 7 Jun 2019

I thought i knew SQL. I learned that i know very little about SQL, but more than yesterday

Mike Lehan at 10:16 on 8 Jun 2019

Absolutely key learning for anyone working with SQL and even for somebody who thinks they shouldn't work with SQL. Delivered with an irreverent humour which would feel dismissive if it wasn't clear Markus really knows what he's talking about

Alwin Drenth at 13:00 on 9 Jun 2019

Great talk. Very informative talk for the SQL-survivors amongst us.

I thought I was a SQL expert... Now I updated my CV accordingly ;-)
Turns out I learned a lot more after Markus' talk.

Thank you!

wal fhi at 12:23 on 10 Jun 2019

Great talk

Really nice talk. Explaining some features from SQL-1999 and later standards was almost like eye-opening to me. The only regret I have, is that it is not always possible to use new versions of MySQL and other databases which would support SQL-99+ standard(s).

Great talk. I guess I can delete some of my PHP code and let SQL do the work for me :-)

Ronald D. at 14:55 on 11 Jun 2019

Really interesting talk and well presented, contained a lot of things I didn't know about SQL!