Mastering PHP Data Structure 102


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Anonymous at 15:48 on 18 May 2012

Very useful talk! Thanks.

Great talk. Contained a lot uf useful tips

Interesting presentation with good things to think about, even though they aren't always that important. A bit too little time available for the presentation, was the feeling.

Great talk, lot's of really useful information, i heard people saying that it was a bit too much or that it was overcomplicated but i feel it was really interesting

Awresome talk, great examples, and even better explanations, too bad the speaker wasn't given more time

Interesting talk on data structures, with useful hints and suggestions on things to avoid . A word of caution on premature optimization risk might've been useful for beginners. A good talk nevertheless, I've enjoyed it!

Very interesting talk, hints to PHP implementation details that every PHP developer should know.

very interesting and you could feel that the speaker really knows what he is talking about. a bit more context of when to optimize and how to spot bottlenecks woul have rounded it up.

I agree with David Buchmann! Great talk, very interesting!

Great talk, very interesting topic. The exposition was good for me

Great talk and really interesting topic.

Great talk. I think the performance relevance was over emphasized a bit, any normal request that does a DB call will make most of the performance aspects irrelevant. Then again many of the patterns discussed are of course also needed for number crunching (not necessarily PHPs strong suite anyway, but for the occasional tasks many shops prefer not to switch languages) and then they do become relevant. Furthermore some of them can easily simply be adopted as standard practice without additional work.

Good talk showing us what we all dont have time to investigate/discover ..

Anonymous at 09:25 on 21 May 2012

Anonymous at 09:32 on 21 May 2012

@Lukas: You are mostly right, you won't typically speed up an application by applying all the best practices I've shown during the presentation. But I still often had improved the general performance (in terms of reqs/second delivered) by chasing the usage of array_merge()/array_unique()/in_array()... Especially when those are used in autoloaders or in frameworks without some cares.

Some well known applications can really be faster by applying those techniques, e.g.: PHP_CodeSniffer which heavily use array()/in_array to implement a "set" to match tokens. You might be surprised by seeing how in_array() is truly the bottleneck into it, however changing that implies a hard BC!

Very interesting talk on some not very known php characteristics. Maybe not fundamental for the every day programming, but useful for optimization in medium or big size project

Great talk. As Lukas already pointed out there are other areas which are much more performance relevant. Still it doesn't hurt to adhere to the described practices.

Anonymous at 15:36 on 4 Jun 2012

Great Talk!

Anonymous at 15:36 on 4 Jun 2012

Great Talk!