SSR o CSR? As depends! Very good overview, great speaker!
Good talk. Custom elements are coming!
Great speaker, interesting topic.
Interesting talk about the multi apps and schematics features. thanks
A quick overview of the new version of Angular from the wonderful Fabio ??
Very good training by Fabio and Michele. A little bit too complexity in the architecture for the second part, but in big enterprise projects that could be what you need.
I still think though that an architecture like that for a small/medium size app is a bit overkill.
Great talk! Due to the short time it may would have been better to talk only about the change detection and zone(showing some examples maybe) and save the Ivy topic for a next talk. See you next time!
It wasn't about the factual informations (there's always granze for that :), but I've never laughed so hard during a talk!
It was more like an inspirational ending keynote. It's been a blast!
Very nice tips about producing great code, especially in Angular but not restricted to.
Keep it up, Jiayi!
Lots of tools and libs to help keep the quality of the project high. Will try adding some of them in the next projects!