Talk comments

Really great helpful content. I will definitely be returning to the content of this talk.

Great talk, I've finally realised why everyone says branches are so easy in Git

Great talk listing some of the best commands for Github.

Nice Introduction to get started with Github. Thanks.

Got some great tips from this talk. Thanks!

Anonymous at 14:25 on 2 Sep 2012

Great talk, awesom eslide design!

Interesting introduction to Git. Suggestion for future talks would be to explain the staging tree.


This helps identify what's going on while someone is modifying files, why they need to stage the files (git add), and what the difference is between a commit and a push.

Also, here is a funny visual [] for when you talk about sword fighting during a merge.

Great feedback as to why you won't merge back into your local master when you branch your code. Master should only receive updates from upstream.

As a call to action you could send folks off to to get them started with GitHub and a very simple introduction to Git.

I would like to thank the 6 people that have worked on signin with twitter for letting me comment on this site :)

Insane dogs, kit-kats and curse words this is my kind of talk.

as a newbie developer i found this talk superb, I am hoping that i can implement these rules from the get go and possible find it easy to implement than some fo the guys that have been doing it their way for years. One reason being a newbie is great! ;-)