Grande Claudio, siete forti!
What can I say, a dream came true.
But even if Andy was speaking for both the two Codemotion days, it wouldn't be enough! I wanted more and more :)
Thank you prof Tanenbaum.
Mario, basta la parola!
Inspiring and instructive. Honestly I didn't know that to expect and it has been a very pleasant surprise.
I completely agree with his view and I whish I could present like Kevlin does.
For sure I'll look for other Kevlin's speeches on the web and I hope to see him again at Codemotion.
Good to know that IBM is another competitor in the cloud computing arena
Molto bello! Apre la mente sulle metodologie di lavoro indispensabili nello sviluppo di grandi progetti web come la continuous integration e continuous delivery.
E' stata un'esperienza molto bella ed interessante. Grazie a tutti.
I think this keynote was very useful to understand where IBM is ahead and what's going on.
I agree with the main message that the focus should no longer be just the "big company" but, instead, even the single individuals and the start-up that can make the difference.
Maybe this is something that we (individuals and start-up) already know, but it's good to see that IBM agrees with that now.