Talk comments

Great talk, thanks for the insights and wealth of anecdote from inside the beast.

Although I am still not convinced by this complicated stack, this is a very good presentation. Even if there was a bit too much of navigation within the presentation, I like the Prezy way as well.

Very good introduction to RabbitMQ with practical examples. A challenge in this timeframe.

Great panel, dynamic and funny interaction between the host and his 3 guests. I really understood the strengths and weaknesses of those 3 tools.

Good overview of unix tools at disposal for scaling. But no word on the application changes that must go with the use of those tools, so not very practical.

A bit slow, but great introduction to MongoDB nonetheless. I agree with ThihsFeryn though, more architectural uses of this great tool would have not hurt.

Good presentation overall, but the general feeling is that it is a copy / paste of the Jersey manual. I would have likes a bit more experienced based points like what worked in the context of your application, why, what did not work, what was really useful, what was not, etc...

Excellente présentation dynamique et remplie d'humour. Que dire sinon que la présentation fait parfaitement passer l'idée?

Excellent, clear, dynamic presentation. Gives a feel of real challenges that comes with startup creation.

Bonne démonstration dans l'ensemble, clairement l'avenir des applications web. Mais attention aux termes utilisés. Le contexte trés limité dans lequel "Web Framework" (framework webs traditionels du monde Java) et "MVC" (l'utilisation de ce pattern dans les dits anciens frameworks) sont décrit devrais être mieux établit au départ, histoire d'éviter la confusion pour les personnes qui ne viennent pas du monde Java.