Talk comments

Bons points, mais un peu trop générique à mon goût, peu d'aide à la prise de décision / action.

Great talk about that small framework. Might be interesting but pretty minimalist framework. Great talker. Code in slides is great! I love that!

Great talk, great talker. He knows what he talks of. He is of Padrino's team and knows a lot about Ruby.

Might be a game changer for me as Padrino might become my main Ruby framework!

Note: we were 6 to attend that one...smallest audience of Confoo maybe?

Great talk and talker, have a brilliant future as a talker!

Great talk about a product I never heard of before. Will now be part of my tools for sure!

Paul wins hands down the award for the best cool-keeping under the circumstances. Apparently his laptop went down or something, just before the talk. His presentation was using Powerpoint and a Linux laptop was offered in replacement. After starting the present using Google Docs (without full screen mode), slides started to stay blurry and could not be read at all. Someone in the assistance offered help and managed to worsen the situtation. Paul then got THE idea: he used OpenOffice and this ended all his troubles.

On top of all this, I found the presentation contents excellent and full of great tips to measure just about everything people do on your web site using Google Analytics. If you're paying tens of thousands of dollars or more in license fees or support for your web analytics solution, you should definitely ask yourself why, and take a look at what Paul proposes.

What a terrible picture :-)
This talk was the highlight of the conference for me. Incredibly funny and energizing, yet accurate, concise and astonishingly well delivered. I started using HTML5 right away after the talk!!!

Introduction un peu longuette, mais de très bonnes explications techniques et de bonnes astuces par la suite. Recommandé pour celles et ceux qui veulent convertir rapidement un site web existant aux mobiles.

Anonymous at 16:34 on 12 Mar 2011

Good high level overview.

I took away a lot of ideas from this talk and am looking forward to trying them out.