Talk comments

i found the talk very informative. I have been using Azure for a while now and the fundamental concepts he brought up are not found on any blogs on internet. i wish he comes out with a small ebook for the community or starts doing more activity on the blog.

Good job communicating the process despit your technical difficulties. Might want to include in a presentation of that type a tiny amount of background for lazy loading, as there was at least one person in the audience that was unfamiliar with the concept.

The title was false advertising. The talk was not about creating a particle physics engine. It felt as though you chose this title to draw attention to the lecture.

That being said, your work on sending and retrieving data from Silverlight to the MVC controller methods was fascinating, and could have been the focus of the talk all by itself.

Very nice demo of Silverlight programming practices, with good code and examples.

This was the first F# talk that really grabbed my attention and kept me engaged with the language in a way that was approachable, and also sparked my interest for the cool things that could be done here. Great job Ted!

Took away some useful tips and some good utility suggestions. The presentation was clear and well organized. I would have appreciated if the audience respected the Q&A session at the end.

I, too, wish there had been more meat, but left happy about having attended. I would like to mention that I think Chander Dhall, a session presenter himself, interrupted and challenged Caleb in an unprofessional manner.

Speaker utterly failed to convey useful information on most of the bullet points listed above. He derailed himself often, did not appear to have practiced his delivery effectively. I will think long and hard about attend another of his talks.

The speaker's volume was low, making him difficult to hear. I felt mislead by the subject, I certainly didn't think I was going to get a lesson on PHP libraries.