Talk comments

The focus on what you wanted to accomplish with your talk, without using the word know, was really helpful. I really want to incorporate that into my abstracts because it makes my talk more focused.

I also really appreciated your detailed speaker timeline! It will help to be more prepared head of time.

great talk. it seemed like the lack of audience feedback might have been distracting, but your information provided was FABULOUS!

really nice relaxed and informative talk, packed full of ideas and facts. I did get distracted by - I was expecting some interesting resource, not a colourful game-like one :p

I really enjoyed how you set the tone at the beginning. It got me all smiley and excited!

I liked how you made pauses at the perfect time. I'm definitely going to learn from you!

Thank you -

Great talk, lots of useful information.

I tried really hard looking for something where I can offer constructive criticism, but couldn't. =(

Almost everything you had to say was something I was able to use/implement in my future talks.

Maybe I'll start rehearsing more. :) Thank you!

You awe super awesome sauce!

Anonymous at 12:39 on 18 Dec 2015

totally awesome. so many good takeaways.