Talk comments

good solid talk about all the things that happen when you are telecommuting and how to deal with that.

Great talk from a managers perspective. I liked how it picked up steam along the way, well thought out!

The talk was excellent, felt very natural and I'm fairly sure the beginning was even pure of the cuff.

Thanks for playing the Devil's Advocate. Things to think about before talking to your manager and asking that question.

Wonderful talk, gave me a lot to consider when deciding when/if to approach my boss about telecommuting. Thank you so much for all the hints and tips!

As a manager working more from your point of view but attending this daycamp to hear the "other side", I'm really glad at least one person was here giving the "reality check" - you said all the things that I would want an employee to hear before asking me about working from home. Nice talk!

Very nice reality check. It's a pretty different view from the previous speakers. I can probably use a lot of what he said to convince my boss to let me work from home.

Thanks for the managers view. That insight will make it easier for me to setup a game-plan.

Thanks Jack for the reality check. Hearing the view of telecommuting from an Employer/Manager perspective was really useful. I can now understand some of the reasons why some managers are reluctant to go for it. I feel having this better understanding will certainly help me fuel my argument in the future.

Good stuff! Loved the job advert commentary.