The biggest conference in Poland, focussing on an advanced CMS/CMF system - Drupal 8.

Saturday 1st June 2019

A new Drupal website for the Italian Registry
Talk by Gabriele Carboni (45 minutes)

The case study of the Italian Registry focused on project management. With its 150,000 unique visitors per month, the website is the most widely used platform in Italy for checking the domain names availability. The "whois" feature is flanked by a typically content-oriented structure to communicate and promote the Italian Registry and the .it domains.

Frontend Architecture for Scalable Design Systems
Talk by Salem Ghoweri (45 minutes)

How do you build and manage a design system’s frontend architecture that is both scalable and maintainable? The typical tools and techniques for approaching design systems often break down when trying to scale across multiple sites, integrate with dynamically injected content, or keep the system up to date. Many of these technical boobytraps aren't discovered till late in development, but can be avoided through progressively decoupled components. This session (originally presented at Drupalcon Seattle 2019) is most appropriate for frontend developers & architects or teams building and maintaining a design system. You will learn: • Why and how to decouple a design system from Pattern Lab and Drupal • Preventing component fragmentation in Drupal through the use of web components • Pattern Lab improvements and techniques to reduce rework and ease Twig-based component integration • How distributing a design system via NPM (yes, NPM) can help teams overcome technical hurdles with Composer

SEO / Marketing online
Talk by Piotr Łabno (45 minutes)

Przedstawienie najważniejszych aspektów Marketing online / Pozyskania klientów organicznie i poprzez płatną reklamę

Continuous Integration in Drupal
Talk by Maciej Łukiański (45 minutes)

How we use automation to increase quality, reduce cost and increase fun of development. I will talk about the processes we set up for continuous integration on all projects we maintain in Droptica.

Ja chcę kodować! - jak oszczędzamy czas dzięki spotkaniom Scrumowym
Talk by Agata Sobek (45 minutes)

Prelekcja o tym, co składa się na dobre (nie mówię o planningu!) zaplanowanie sprintu i jak korzystać ze spotkań, by praca zespołu była najefektywniejsza. Pokazuje, jak ważnym elementem każdego sprintu są spotkania, jaka jest ich rola i co pozwalają osiągnąć. No i najważniejsze, pokazuje jak rozkładają się odpowiedzialności i komu służą poszczególne spotkania.

A Bug's Life - Drupal Application Security and Vulnerability Management
Talk by Balazs Janos Tatar (45 minutes)

In this session a currently Provisional member of Drupal Security Team gives a broad overview about how security bugs are present and could be prevented on Drupal projects. He's going to go through the 4 stages of a bug's life: The Eggs - Planning and Security by Design The Caterpillar - Development iterations until the first release The Chrysalis - First releases of the application The Butterfly - Maintenance releases and activities Attendees can take many conceptual best practices away that suppose to raise security awareness from the beginning of projects until reaching the maintenance phases. We'll check tools and processes regarding Application Security and also understand the basics of Vulnerability Management - how they increase the quality of web applications and why mitigation and remediation plans are crucial to managing projects on a large scale. The session is meant to be a Project Management one, but Technical staff also can benefit to understand needs and implementations of secure application development.

The Promises and Pitfalls of Drupal's Cache System
Talk by Kelly Lucas (45 minutes)

With version 8, Drupal delivered major improvements in the way content could be cached and expired. For the first time, significant caching is possible for dynamic pages and authenticated users. However, the caching system can be complex and confusing. Developers can inadvertently negate the advantages of Drupal’s cache systems and, even worse, create security and information disclosure holes. This presentation will provide an overview of Drupal’s cache layers and will cover best practices when theme-ing and customizing Drupal to avoid common errors and to maximize performance. Among the topics to be covered: The anonymous and dynamic page caches and the render cache. Cache bins, memcache and the differences between Drupal’s data and render caches. Cache tags, contexts and max-age. Debugging tools and techniques. Common pitfalls when theme-ing and customizing Drupal. Using #lazybuilder callbacks for dynamic content. Leveraging reverse proxies like Varnish and content delivery networks (CDNs). Big Pipe and custom render strategies.

Turning a Drupal 8 site into an HTML Static Site
Talk by Nigel Milligan (45 minutes)

The idea of creating a static HTML version of a website for production use is gaining significant traction in the industry. Doing this removes the joint attack vectors of PHP and MySQL on the site, and means there is no requirement to slavishly keep up to date with Drupal security patches. Content can still be created using Drupal in a secure non-public facing environment such as a VPC or a sandbox, then the static pages can be deployed to the production server. The Drupal module Tome has made all this possible. Nigel shows how to use this module, and how to counteract some of the difficulties faced by choosing this architecture. Since the production website will have no Drupal backend, an alternative search mechanism will be required, and Nigel shows how to leverage Elasticsearch server and JavaScript client as a replacement to Drupal core search. Similarly, without a Drupal backend, a Contact form requires a different approach. Nigel shows how AWS serverless products such as Lambda, Gateway API and SES can be used as a replacement for a 'Contact Me' form. Note: This is effectively a presentation on a sequence of blogs I am writing entitled Drupal 8 as a Static Site. It is still work in progress but will be completed over the Xmas break.

Profil instalacyjny - jak nam pomógł?
Talk by Łukasz Chrzanowski (45 minutes)

Dzięki profilowi instalacyjnemu w Drupal 8, możemy dostarczyć między innymi wstępną konfigurację dla naszej witryny. Pokażę, na przykładzie case study, w jaki sposób może to przyśpieszyć proces developmentu. Nawiążę również do specjalnego rodzaju profilu instalacyjnego, jakim jest dystrybucja Drupala.

Let’s write secure Drupal code!
Talk by Balazs Janos Tatar (45 minutes)

In this session, I'll show the most common vulnerabilities that our Drupal code can have and how we should be prepared to avoid such an insecure code to be released. The presentation covers trends in vulnerabilities, starting in general aspects then showing Drupal specific ones. I'll also speak about what we should do if we find any vulnerabilities in contributed solutions. All backgrounds are welcome from Drupal site builders to contributed projects' maintainers! Every one of you will be able to learn and improve your security awareness as being an active participant in the session. Be ready for some showcases where we'll check Drupal 7 and 8 codes that are vulnerable and will fix them in live!

PHPUnit: Good Practices
Talk by Dariusz Rumiński (45 minutes)

Most of us are creating unit tests every day. We often use PHPUnit for that. But are we using it properly? What can we improve, and what to avoid? How the framework has evolved over last years? What are the newest best practices and how to start follow them?

Drupal headless
Talk by Aleksander Ślązak (45 minutes)

Drupal headless

Introducing the Gutenberg content editor for Drupal 8
Talk by Paweł Pregiel (45 minutes)

Drupal needs a modern UI for rich content creation. This fall WordPress 5 is out with the brand new Gutenberg editor, a decoupled React based editing experience. It works great! And: It's open source, so we ported it to Drupal. Combining Drupal and Gutenberg is a killer combination, empowering content authors to build rich landing pages inside a rock solid CMS framework. All Drupal project owners want to provide the best editing experience possible for their users. Whether your site is a university site, a non-profit site or a high traffic news outlet: You want to empower your editors to grow your digital presence. Drupal 8 is a rock solid CMS framework packed with powerful admin features. Our only complaint? Drupal needs a modern UI for rich content creation. Solutions based on Panels, Paragraphs or even the new Layout module contribute to a complex workflow. Drupal admin can feel quite overwhelming! In 2018, you expect a CMS to be both flexible and easy to use. Building a shiny landing page shouldn’t be hard!

Google Internetowe Rewolucje - prezentacja projektu i bezpłatnych narzędzi
Talk by Ewelina Pakosz (45 minutes)

Weź udział w zajęciach z doradcą Google Internetowe Rewolucje i dowiedz się jak wykorzystać internet do rozwoju swojej firmy. W czasie zajęć przedstawimy narzędzia, które pozwalają ocenić stan obecności firmy w sieci i przeanalizować dotychczas prowadzone działania. Pokażemy również rozwiązania za pomocą których Twoja firma będzie mogła: • dotrzeć do swoich potencjalnych klientów znajdujących się w okolicy • właściwie zaprezentować swoją ofertę użytkownikom smartfonów • zaistnieć na rynkach zagranicznych. W czasie spotkania będzie możliwość umówienia się na indywidualne konsultacje z doradcą Google Internetowych Rewolucji, które są częścią programu wsparcia przygotowanego specjalnie z myślą o firmach z sektora MŚP.

Drupal 8 Inside Out
Talk by Deji Akala (45 minutes)

A closer look at what happens from the moment Drupal receives a request for a resource, through interactions with Symfony components and eventually returning the desired response.

Fundacja Drupal Marketing Poland - podsumowanie roku działalności i plany na najbliższy rok
Talk by Grzegorz Bartman (45 minutes)

Fundacja Drupal Marketing Poland - podsumowanie roku działalności i plany na najbliższy rok

AutoReview - not (yet) common approach to make reviews easier
Talk by Dariusz Rumiński (20 minutes)

Lightning talk about how to make reviewing process easier by letting reviewers focus on clue of the change, and not all the minors around the code - without lowering quality of code itself. Static Code Analysis is great, but it's not enough - so what's more? Case study of PHP CS Fixer project.

Sunday 2nd June 2019

Keynote - Discussion Panel: Best practices in Drupal
Keynote by Maciej Łukiański (1 hour)

Keynote - Discussion Panel: Best practices in Drupal

Zwiększ zasięg dzięki Google Moja Firma
Workshop by Ewelina Pakosz (2 hour)

Jak używać wizytówki w Google Moja Firma do rozwoju firmy? Jak zwiększyć widoczność swojej firmy w wyszukiwarce? Dowiesz się jak skutecznie dotrzeć do potencjalnych klientów.Po spotkaniu będzie możliwość umówienia się na indywidualne konsultacje z doradcą Google Internetowych Rewolucji, które są częścią programu wsparcia przygotowanego specjalnie z myślą o firmach z sektora MŚP.

Drupal 8 SEO
Talk by Paweł Górski (45 minutes)

Seo is very important for every website. Google takes over 200 parameters into account when it ranks your page. There are a lot of things to check. Drupal modules, google tools and external tools - check how we prepare an SEO strategy with these necessary tools. After this presentation, you will know how to plan an SEO strategy for your website and how to compare your website with the competition.

How to create dynamic layouts with Layout Builder
Talk by Mariusz Andrzejewski (45 minutes)

Drupal allows developers to create layout by using many different tools and approaches. In this session I will guide you through the quite new module in Drupal 8 core - Layout builder. We will discuss evolution, of this module and its further future. I will present, how to configure and use Layout builder. We will see how this module encourages atomic design by creating flexible layouts from components directly in your code.