Talk comments

This was probably the most interesting experience feedback talk of the conference, mostly because it contained actual feedback about actual usage of what you presented (unlike most other feedback talks). On the other hand, I'm not sure what to think about all this. Especially because I think you said the developers were still working on their own development environments and not using AWS. Then why naming this talk that way? You seemed rather disappointed in the experience.

I'm not entirely sure what to extract out of this talk, it felt kind of all over the place. On the other hand, it was one of the rare pure PHP development talk of the conference, so it's always a good point. I got a refreshing example of the state pattern. But still, not sure what to get out of it, when you declare that you don't know if state machine generated code is useful or not since you never used it... the whole talk kinda ends in a flop. I'm still a big fan of your work and involvement in PHP though.

Maybe compare Laravel to other framework would be interesting.
And try to talk more about Laravel's features.

@nelson Thanks! What do you mean by formal exactly?

@guoillaume Thanks for the feedback! I'm sorry if it felt too Diffbot focused, and the reason it was in the presentation is twofold: 1. I'm genuinely curious about what people can build with it and 2. while it isn't built in PHP, it is perfect for combining it with it due to the simplicity of libraries like Guzzle. It removed a huge part of my work after I combined it with PHP, and that was the gist of it.

I showed you some PHP in the shape of Guzzle and Laravel implementation, but this wasn't supposed to be an in depth tutorial. Stay tuned for slides, more code will follow. I'll definitely try and go more in depth with code next time I talk about this though, thanks for letting me know.

Très sympa.
J'aurai préféré une intro plus courte et une plus longue démo du produit.

Conférence ultra violente et très vraie, une reflexion très intéressante sur les forces et surtout les faiblesses des framework et l'évolution dans le temps de nos techno et leur viellissement inévitable... et pourtant abordé sur le ton de l'humour dont on sent qu'elle a été très travaillée. Après une conférence qui ne m'avait fait ni chaud ni froid au phptour, voilà un zaninotto pour qui je voterais président si jamais il devait un jour se mettre à la politique ! :)