Talk comments

Very good talk! I was worried when you started because it felt like it could end up being pretty boring, especially given the complexity of the talk. But no, your code examples and test doubles definitions where so great that everything flowed flawlessly. I probably learnt the most things in here and it resonated very well with things I'm working on right now. Funny to see how respecting the S.O.L.I.D principles helps you build better test doubles and how building better test doubles help you respect the S.O.L.I.D principles.

I'm going to agree with other reviewers in here, you're a nice guy, you're humble, you're smart and you know what you're talking about, but the talk was too disproportionate. I don't know if it was thought for a 1h+ long format and if you had to rush things through but the first half of the talk, even if interesting to know you better, was clearly not the most important part. I'd have put more emphasis on code samples and live demo. Other thing was, doing this Laravel presentation after everyone got so pumped-up about the framework-bashing talk in the morning was maybe a bad choice from either you or the organizers.

I'm very torn over this talk. On one hand it was honest and funny, but on the other hand, you just explained how you did things over time and how some of those things (all of them?) were completely wrong. You never really explained how you could have done it differently or how in retrospect you could have handled some problems better. You look like you are incredibly proud of yourself and hide the mistakes behind a good dose of humor. But in the end, you are right, done is better than perfect and good code should bring in money and should scale properly enough. Maybe the morality of all of this is that nothing really matters, just have fun, don't take things too seriously.

Your talk hit very close to home for me. I dealt with the exact same issues in the past, fear of rejection from the community, looking for excuses for reinventing the wheel, being a lone wolf. I'm happy to see I was not alone at this time, we both evolved the same way except I decided to leave the PHP community and you stayed. It was an inspiring and motivating talk, but there wasn't much to learn though.

This talk was very courageous given that both Zend and Symfony were sponsors of the conference. You drew a very depressing and sad state of the industry and warned everyone that PHP developers of tomorrow may be doomed to become Cobol developers of today and that if you refuse to evolve you might as well start to embrace the fact that «you might be working on your current project for the rest of your life». Yet another talk forecasting the end of PHP and the rise of Node.js, Python, Go, Scala and other more flexible and more single-goal-oriented languages. I can't agree more with you and I'm happy to see that some people are still ready to talk about the annoying things in PHP. Kinda felt out of context to bash the language and its tools at a PHP conference, but it made it even greater for me.

Very cool talk, we came here to validate our own technical decisions about our own API and were relieved when we realized we both basically did everything similar. I can confirm you that you should be good for a couple of years with this architecture :) The idea of validating OAuth directly using nginx is really creative.

I'm sorry but no. Even if it was an honest and funny talk, the solution you chose and implemented is full of issues and violates pretty much every good practice of unit and functional testing. For real, near the end of the talk, my colleague and I were looking at each other in horror hoping that you were trolling everyone and about to say «I'm joking!». It may work in the real world, it may respond to a commercial/economic need in a timely fashion, but don't go around telling young developers to do things this way :( At the «($id < 1000)» part, a little part of me died inside.

This was probably the most extensive talk of the Forum PHP, there was A LOT of stuff addressed, maybe even too much. On the other hand, the subject is very cool, it's a whole other level of API-centric, kudos to you for bringing this project to life. BUT, you should have given more talk time to Yves because even if you gave an interesting view of the big picture, I'd have preferred more technical information for a technical conference. One big downside though, when you give an experience feedback talk, maybe avoid the part where you basically say you don't know if anything's gonna work IRL because you didn't launch the project yet, it felt disappointing, especially for people coming to see if micro-services are a viable way of doing things on a much larger scale (100M+ hits a day).

Great talk, one of my favorites from the Forum PHP. This was complete, full of interesting facts, I probably learnt the most things here during the conference. Maybe you should waste less time listing all of these tools and more about the future of testing. It looked very interesting and it's your thesis, I'd have loved to learn more about that.

We were all kind of fooled by your talk because it looked perfectly genuine until we all realized that this was just a sneaky sponsored talk with you trying to sell your product. But anyway... you started by stating all of the obvious facts about testing (what is quality, what are the business benefits, what it changes for scalability, velocity, agility, blablablah). You stated a few good practices about improving code quality, but then again, it felt a bit 'captain obvious'.

The presentation of your software was great but... you were not being very objective. NetBeans IDE and tools like Sonar can already do what Scrutinizer does. You didn't address why it was better than the rest. What you called the Flow Analyzer was cool though, I'd have prefered a talk about how you implemented that.

Also, when someone asks «why not use open-source alternatives», maybe you should not reply with «they all suck».