Talk comments

Scrutinizer is a unique service out there, what I think the best an most useful type of analsyis.

The fact you implemented a compiler that outputs such user-friendly messages can only deserve our respect :)

Concerning the talk, it could have been more fluent, I felt a small linearity during the speech that makes me say it could be improved.

Un bon aperçu de l'ensemble des outils permettant de mettre en place des métriques d'une infra (d'une solution simple et non maîtrisée basée sur GA aux solutions maîtrisées et un peu plus complexe à mettre en œuvre : StatD/Graphite).

great talk, and I kinda like the explicitness of the state pattern, the fact that the language forces the constraints, not the algorithms.
I think encapsulation should have been cited a bit more, tho.

Otherwise, I would have liked to hear more about DDD, (not just state pattern), unfortunately the talk stayed on the same example, and focused on just this. Would have been cool to see other pieses of DDD.

Anyway, very fluent and well controlled talk. You did a great job on stage!

Agréablement surpris, merci !
Ce qui me dérangeait un peu c'est le coté démo lors d'un event communautaire, mais finalement c'est accompagné de tellement d'explications techniques qu'on y trouve tous son compte. (et l'outil à l'air top)

C'était cool très innovant j'ai bien accroché !
Je me demande toujours si je cale mon app/cache dans Docker mais à part ça c'est très bon :)

Hey man,
Honestly it was a great pleasure to hear you talk,
But you spent too much time on the first part about you and the history of the framework and we all know what IoC is (at least I hope).
Give us some code next time :)

J'ai beaucoup aimé, plein d'humour, un grand plaisir de suivre le coté history ! et les stickers de blablacar disent "Done is better than perfect", tout est dit :)

That was great. And honestly I was not expecting this. It was a really personal and humble real experience to the open source world. Thank you!