Great talk. This technique has many promising applications.
Sehr gut vorgetragen und trotz mancher Komplexität sehr verständlich.
Vielen Dank!
Klasse Vortrag! Auch wenn man schon eine ganze Weile mit Git arbeitet hat man hier noch etwas mitnehmen können. Mit Hilfe von sehr hilfreichen Grafiken wurden eine Reihe von nützlichen Tools und Tricks vorgestellt, die die Arbeit mit Git im Alltag unheimlich erleichtern können.
Good that you gave this talk despite you didn't plan to. The numbers you showed were quite enlightening - 10.000 lines of generated code for a simple app and no tests ...
In case you want to give this talk again, a clear summary of the pros and cons of using different framework types would be helpful.
Gegenüber der Ankündigung und Beschreibung entwickelte sich der Workshop doch in eine etwas andere Richtung. Gerade bei der Vorstellung der Architekturstile hätte ich mir mehr gewünscht als nur kurz die verschiedenen Stile zu erwähnen, die Darstellung der Vor-/Nachteile fehlte völlig. Gut war die Vorstellung des Modells zur Bewertung von Architekturen in Bezug auf die Anforderungen, aus meiner Sicht eine Formalisierung des Prinzips "Gesunder Menschenverstand".
Super Vortrag!
Du hast einen sehr guten Vortragsstil, wo Du mit Witz und Spass die Themen an das Publikum weitergibst. Der Praxisteil am Ende der Veranstaltung hat für mich die Themen noch einmal deutlicher gemacht.
Dennoch hätte ich es als besser empfunden, wenn die Übung direkt nach der Pause gewesen wäre, da dann noch Zeit gewesen wäre diese im Detail zu besprechen.
Concise summary of what the implications of using such frameworks as CakePHP or Symfony are, but fortunately no bashing of those. Would have been nice to have more real life examples where projects/applications stumbled into the named problems.
As always, Sebastian was *extremely* knowledgeable. He backed up his talking points with good examples and told a few funny anecdotes that made the talk more entertaining than it would have been otherwise. He also welcomed questions at any point in the talk, answering them with an expert's insight and a friendly demeanor.
Overall, the tutorial was excellent. I missed the first part of the talk, so some of the following points may have been addressed there. A few things that could improve this tutorial IMO:
* He provided many anecdotes, but I didn't hear a full case study for continuous integration that begins with a problem statement and ends with tangible improvements. For a long tutorial like this, I think this would have helped tie many of the technologies together in to a cohesive continuous integration system.
* He should consider asking the audience questions about their experiences to keep things more interactive, like 'What build systems are you using for your projects?' 'What build system is your favorite and why?'
* It was hard to see him from the back of the room because he was sitting down. It would have helped if he were at a podium or on a stage. This seemed to be a limitation of the room provided to him.
* My wife, who is facing many of the challenges that Sebastian brought up at SugarCRM, mentioned that she would have liked to see a full-pyramid example with unit, functional, and high-level tests against all common technologies, including databases and javascript. This may not have been appropriate for a continuous integration tutorial, but it might make for a good presentation in future conferences.
Thanks Sebastian!
Excellent presentation. Covered everything I was hoping it would (and then some) regarding what I need to set up continuous integration.
Hat mir gut gefallen. Hervorragend aufgebaut und mich noch weiter mit Git angefixt. Danke! :)