Talk comments

Great contents, amazingly put together, and ... masterfully exposed! Brilliant talk Craig!

It's been eye-opening for me. Company culture should be infused with the things explained in this talk. Great non-tech talk, preventing gatekeeping should be one of the first things that the HR depts of the future should consider

Great talk Joel! Loved the beer brewing pills!

Very interesting talk, with lots of freeze-dried pieces of knowledge
I'm definitely going back to your website Sam to expand it even more!

Very nice talk!
I would have loved to see some more of what the PWA offers for offline data management and backend data synchronization

Really covers an area that is often overlooked, with interesting hints to explore further. Sometimes the adoption of message queues passes more like a mere architectural matter only, and therefore it gets neglected in test coverage.
I'll sure refer back to this talk in the future!

Very good Lit overview. I hope to see web components adoption spread from now on.
Great talk Michele!

We really need more passionate talk like this! It was enlightening

Pretty good talk, Maybe the only React talk that clearly states the intrinsic React structural design inducted overhead

Great talk, informative, and straight to the point. It's a shame (but comprehensible) that a good part (Symbol as WeakMap keys) of this feature it's impossible to polyfill