Talk comments

Great talk!
It really puts a few things into perspective.

Just saw the video on the LaraconEU youtube channel. I say this was an amazing talk, hands down. Thanks a lot Konstantin! Could relate a lot of things with my own projects. Also this talk has so many useful take aways to apply in the software development process of any scale.

Awesome talk, nice and informative. Great examples with humour about the real issues. Coming back I found some issue with . Will come up on a seprate issue.

Keep going :) .

I think Ben gave a solid, technically sound talk - good slides, good presentation, well organized, and clearly articulated. I'm just not sure this was the right talk for this conference - we know that virtually everyone there is a developer and interested in development topics, but not everyone wants to start freelancing - but that's not on him.

As always from Jeffrey - informative, engaging, entertaining and humourous. The perfect speaker to close an excellent conference

A very interesting and useful talk, many things to be taken away and applied to future projects. My only critique is that perhaps it was a little opinionated in places.

A useful presentation from a knowledgable lady. Introduced me to a couple of new git commands which I'm sure I will find invaluable

Excellent talk, well worked example presented flawlessly live.