Talk comments

Anonymous at 20:37 on 25 Aug 2015

well done. exactly what i am expecting from a talk at laracon. useful. practical. live. well presented!

Anonymous at 20:35 on 25 Aug 2015

no doubt matt is a great presenter. the topic is interesting. would have loved to see even more a link to software development and empathy towards the client/user. more practical stories.

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Anonymous at 20:33 on 25 Aug 2015

entertaining,but too much private/personal stuff, sorry. also some useful information. but i was missing the general subject...

Anonymous at 20:31 on 25 Aug 2015

great overview. well presented. sometimes questions from attendees were explained too long. but generally great workshop for that amount of time.

Good live coding is always awesome ! Thanks

Really great talk, bigger font size for the code will be more readable :)

Very inspiring ! Thanks Matt

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