Talk comments

In a nutshell, what every talk should be like: dynamic, lively, interesting, well-paced, funny when it needs to be. And some great live code refactoring to add to the fun. I was already a big, big fan of Adam's Full Stack Radio podcast and him mentioning the Kent Beck interview specifically was so cool because it's easily my favorite episode of the bunch.

The actual refactoring was nothing extraordinary or out of left field but it served its purpose fantastically as an introductory demo to great OO practices. But it's not everyday you find someone who explains things in the best, most clear and concise way. Adam is one of those and I'm glad I was able to catch his presentation!

I don't think they requested him to stop talking on the spot, they were just reminding how much time was left. The ecosystem was a good overview, but the part about 'the others' was the highlight and most important part of this talk. Too bad he had to go over this so quickly.

It's easy to get frustrated by a client's views and requests. Putting yourself in the position of the client is not easy, but a skill that can be learned if you're in the 98% group of people that Matt mentioned. Never thought about this aspect in this context. Eye-opening talk and perfect opener for laracon!

on Keynote

Great workshop! Could have used more hands-on time though...

Anonymous at 21:53 on 25 Aug 2015

Great talk although it was very theoretical. You did a perfect job in presenting this important topic.I guess it is not easy to talk an hour about empathy, but I am glad you could and did!

on Keynote

The subject choice of the keynote was refreshing - a great way to start the conference. I was surprised that you didn't mention "compassion" after "sympathy" and "empathy"!

Excellent talk - I'm looking forward to the video.

on Keynote

Anonymous at 21:22 on 25 Aug 2015

Great and funny presentation. I really sometimes thought I am the only one feeling that about JavaScript. Not really sure yet if React really solves "my" JS problems. Need to check it out myself. Frist your examples where great, but at the end I couldn't follow anymore. Too much code.
But a great and funny talk as I already mentioned

Anonymous at 21:04 on 25 Aug 2015

i missed vue.js! other than that... solid talk. could have gotten to the point/topic of react.js quicker. generally interesting. but missed the stronger link / examples to php applications

Anonymous at 21:01 on 25 Aug 2015

first of all i think its great that taylor is flying out here to be part of the conference. i don't think its bad that he repeated his talk from laracon us. but i personally don't think that spark is that valuable. i am sure its great for quick prototyping, but too opiniated for more specific domains (teams/billing/plans). after all stripe is not very useful in europe (no direct debit support). i understand the intention of spark and am sure that it will help taylor (and others) to build more cool saas services. just hoping that it doesn't take away too much of taylors attention from all the other great stuff he has brought to us and has to maintain. we love you, taylor!

Anonymous at 20:39 on 25 Aug 2015

great overview of the ecosystem. unfortunately no new information for non-newbies. missed the "one more thing"