This is first time for me to see that someone know how to do live coding. Really good examples - very very interesting. The best talk so far!
Thanks for coming to Amsterdam again. And thanks for Spark, can't wait to play with it!
Solid talk with nice introduction to React.js. I do not like frontend but this talk was interesting and I will maybe test this one :-)
Great talk as always! Can't wait to try out Laravel spark on a project :)
Live example of some of Uncle Bob's teachings! Really enjoyed the refactoring go so smoothly.
Title is The Laravel ecosystem and speaker gave good overview of all components.
Thank you for this talk! I will definitely start to listen other people more after this talk. Speaker has lot of sense for humor - I really enjoyed listening him.
Sometimes hard to follow, if you've never used React... definitely encouraging if you're in the stroopwafel's mindset!
@Michael Csáki: Hey Michael. What I meant was that I don't want to sell these tools. I wanted to give a talk about all of the different parts of the Laravel Ecosystem but don't want to actually sell Forge and Envoyer (because they cost money). That's what I meant, sorry if this came across differently!
I actually spoke to quite some people who said that they didn't know about all of the tools yet. There are also a lot of business owners and managers here which aren't immediately developers. And this part of the talk was also a little bit focused towards newer Laravel developers. But I understand that this part was less relevant for people who already know a lot more about the ecosystem.
Thanks for liking the contributors part! For me personally this was the most important part of my talk so I'm glad you liked it. It's too bad I had to go over it a bit fast.
I'm really sorry you're a little disappointed. I hope I can make it up to you at another time! I hope you enjoy the rest of the conference :)
@anonymous at 14:26: hey, thanks for leaving your feedback. I'm really sorry you feel that way. i hope I can do better next time!
@Andrew Westrope: Thanks for your feedback! It was really though putting in every single part. I figured most people know what Laracasts is about so that's why I left it out. I already had a pretty long talk. But you're right when you say that's also a part of the ecosystem.
@anonymous at 15:56: I'm really sorry you feel that way. I'll definitely try to improve to do a better job next time! I actually didn't ran too long because I started my talk 15 minutes later than planned so I had less time to do my entire presentation! Also: Shawn wasn't asking me to stop he was just informing me how much time I had left and even notified me at the end that it's ok if it took a little longer (because I started later).
@Paulo André: I was a little bit nervous yeah! Thank you for the nice words :) I'll try to do my best to improve.
@Jurgen, anonymous (at 20:39), Frank: Thanks! :)