Talk comments

Lots of great information that I plan to use to speed up our development setups. Thanks Joe!

Excellent talk on composer... should be required viewing for every new PHP developer. I also learned about generating custom classmaps... very informative!

This talk had good information and gave me some new ways of looking at security. I think it would be a good idea to narrow the focus of this talk and give some more specific examples.

Very, very good talk for anyone new to Composer. Appreciated the explanation of the difference between composer install and update and how the lock file works.

I really loved this talk as it really chimes with a lot of things we've been trying to do where I work. I'll be taking plenty of information back to my colleagues to try to implement. Fantastic talk with great real world examples.

A great talk from Derick on the craziness that is date time information in the world and how PHP can help us to tame it. I picked up a lot of valuable tips for my own development work.

Somewhat different from what I was expecting but a great talk nonetheless.

So much fantastic information here, which could easily have been expanded into a tutorial session. I really enjoyed the talk and picked up a lot of good tips.

Excellent talk and a great introduction to Vagrant/Puppet. The only thing that could have improved it would have been a live demo but I know Joe had problems with the Vagrantfile on his computer. Would highly recommend this talk for anyone looking for an intro to Vagrant.

Excellent presentation. As a phing user I picked up a lot of tips that I can incorporate into my own tasks. Thanks Omni!