You did great! I wouldn't have known it was your first talk if you didn't mention it. (You did seem seem a little nervous at first, but you quickly feel into your groove.) If I could give any tips it would be to watch your "umms" - it's totally okay to have a second or two of silence, even though your mind really wants to fill that emptiness with an "umm".
I really enjoyed the talk - it was cool to see how one of my favorite media orgs built and maintains their API!
Really useful. I especially liked the live demo with audience participation via Twitter.
As someone that relates to feeling that giving a talk is one of the scariest things ever, I believe you did a great job! Lessons that I have personally learned is to slow down your speech a little bit to be able to speak more clearly.
Content was great, and I personally found the talk informative and you are definitely knowledgeable in the topic.
Great job!
Useful list of guidelines and great examples.
Great concept, great slides, but the delivery could have used a lot of polish. I'd be very interested in seeing what this talk could evolve to with more practice.
An excellent introduction to this topic. The tools Gary talked about are easy to implement for almost any project, and the code examples were well written and clear to follow.
A great introduction with plenty of examples. Might have been stronger if expanded to a 90-minute talk, but presenter did a great job with the time available. This is a session I wish I'd attended 5 or 6 years ago.
This is a great topic, but as others have said it has a few rough edges.
In addition to some of the other things that have already been said, I would also suggest maybe either refining the topic down or splitting the talk into two - possibly one talk that is about the nature and workings of micro services that is framework agnostic, and a second that shows how to implement them directly in Slim. This allows you to work with different audiences and will help narrow down the focus of the talk.
I'd also highly recommend recording demos ahead of time. Live code is always prone to failure no matter how good the speaker, and pre-recording and explaining the video helps keep the flow of the talk as well as removes the frustration and anxiety of live demos and their many points of failure.
Overall it's a good talk, and thank you for giving it!
Wordpress in HyperCard!
I enjoyed the talk and learned something from it, but as others have stated the actual delivery could use some polish, and some of the beginning could be shortened to "get to the point" before people start to tune out.
I'd also highly recommend (especially when talking to room primarily of developers) to add some actual ways they can help change the status quo. Often "from the trenches" it's hard to see where you can make a difference and what you can do short of quitting your job and starving :) Some actionable ideas of ways to help things improve would be a nice way to help get past that mental block of "what can I do"
Thanks for the awesome talk. Will definitely be tinkering with these concepts/products soon.