Really, enjoyed your talk. Great working code examples.
Interesting to hear about the things to consider when contributing to open source projects.
Definitely an eye-opening course. Enjoyed working through the examples.
Really enjoyed this talk, feel like I have a better working knowledge of how to run daemons responsibly. Super well organized and presented. Demo was fantastic, probably my favorite talk so far, thanks so much!
Loved it!!!
This course definitely cleared up a few things I didn't fully understand. Overall good talk.
Fascinating overview of common concerns and best practices for building an API. Definitely appreciated references to other useful related talks both within and without the conference. Content was well-organized and delivered at a good pace, leaving some time for Q&A. Excellent job for a first-time speaker.
Reinink gave us a great overview (and some examples) of the elements everyone loves in their documentation: That it exists. That it should provide an introduction for new users. That it should provide references for advanced users. That it should look good.
Very cool... should be titled "Channeling your inner daemons!!" ;)
Great talk, the speaker did a really good job focusing on how a novice contractor could become a great professional, I love the concept of consider yourself as a product.