A crash course in machine learning. Thanks for the repos!
Great presentation, well put together slides.
Keith has an exceptional skill to scare audiences in a friendly, smiling way. Superb talk!
Great Mexican food, very entertaining intro to the company, resulting in a very positive attitude towards Realpage.
Great content! Would love to have gotten another hour in this talk. :)
Tasty Chicken Parmesan! Would eat that again.
Really cool talk. Had me at the two pages of legal disclaimers.
Great walk through. Everything you need to know to graduate from Vagrant​ VM to Docker Container for local development.
Very smooth hands on. Pace was good so I got to try all the commands and take notes. Although mentioned, diving into more advanced topics like hooks would have been nice.
Insightful talk, I was expecting a session that pointed at a bunch of APIs so a high level overview of algorithms and code samples were a pleasant surprise.