It was very interesting
i haven't found many talks on event sourcing in PHP and Laravel, so seeing some real examples was great. It was also good to hear that event sourcing can be and is being used only in parts of an application.
The speaker had a lot of personality and was clearly very passionate but I was hoping to get some real insight into why you would use Jenkins and why it's a good choice for Laravel rather than a command-by-command tutorial on how to set Jenkins up using Laravel as an example framework.
It was a nice break from the "deep-dive how-to" style sessions and really made me re-think how I plan out and implement new features that try to increase user engagement. Immediately got me on her side with her first point :P Great talk.
Emily was great at breaking down this topic and going beyond a simple how-to tutorial by providing the context and rationale behind her decisions and thought process. Her talk saves developers hours of research. Her pacing and delivery were spot on, too. Loved the illustrations and example.
Keith did a good job of keeping people engaged while delivering a lot of information on a confusing topic.
Probably my favorite talk of the conference. I was interested in trying out the Amazon CI/CD tools before the conference but Michael further convinced me by showing the power of the AWS platform in an easy to digest, professional talk.
Fantastic story, very funny and entertaining but also inspiring without being preachy.
Surprisingly funny, entertaining talk. If you're looking to get buy-in to the Laravel ecosystem from your team/boss, Josh makes a great argument. It came off a little fanboy-ish at times but in a funny way.
Good information from the perspective of "been there done that", DevOps explaining the way it is to Software Engineering. Handing out stacks of books as follow-up was brilliant and appreciated (have mine next to me).
ALL talks on a dark background with that particular projector were unreadable including Boyd's. In general I have trouble with low-contrast colors such as grey on black, blue on blue, etc. Fortunately the talk did NOT depend on the text on the slide. The talk was compelling on its own.