Very comprehensive discussion of the things we server-side developers usually get wrong when building an API. Engaging delivery as well.
Great presentation, must see for every developer not just for API's
I wish there was more of a 'why you should use the functions' instead of here is a list of WP hooks to use that are cool. It would have been good to connect more with the speaker on the old code he had vs the better way of doing things.
Lots of great information. I can't wait to look through the slides later. They may become one of my go to MySQL resources.
The content of the talk was largely presented well, however, the slides were very hard to read. They had way too much information on each slide and in way too small of a font. Additionally, Chris misidentified phantomjs as a node project (it's not). The Laraval example should have been loaded and ready before the presentation.
Great explanation of why the typical way most people are taught OOP isn't the best way to do OOP. Good examples of why inheritance doesn't always work in the real world. Nice work explaining how composition can be superior to inheritance and how solid principles are important.
Great talk also, I thought your story was great. I would have liked more info on ansible, why you liked it over other cm tool. Also any info on Travis, Jenkins etc. I know it was am intro talk, so that may be a bit off subject. Overall though a very polished well done talk.
Liked the topic and presentation, but it sometimes felt a little scattered, jumping from one set of resource links to another. I would have preferred a little more depth (as opposed to breadth) on things other than console windows (which was interesting).
Great overview of WordPress plugin tips and resources. It was also nice to hear about upcoming features in the next release.
Good description and interesting history of Docker and containerization. Suggestion of tools to use is helpful and explanation of why Docker is useful is solid. An example of containerizing a tiny PHP web app might have been helpful.