Talk comments

A must have for a Node.js conference.

- Era veramente advanced
- Casi reali risolti con node
- Spiegato tutto con cura ma senza annoiare (siete riusciti a temermi attento per tutta la giornata)
- Ci avete spiegato come lavorate voi (for real!)

- Su un paio di esempi serviva un po' più di intro e di "outtro" per chiudere il giro
- Se si fosse fatto in 2 giorni poteva essere utile aggiungere 2-3 pomodori per permettere ai partecipanti di provare

Real-life experiences are usually interesting, in this case there were good insights.

Anonymous at 12:23 on 16 Nov 2012

I already had some experience with node.js and boy was it still worth it to attend Golos' workshop!
Thorough understanding of the fundamentals of all things node.js - this includes the stuff you usually don't pick up easily with books or by reading blog posts, to reach that level you need to have been immersed into a community/technology for quite some time *and* be a great teacher. I learned a lot - also fun!

Would buy again. :)

@musha68k (didn't want to register with