Talk comments

Really appreciating the speaker comment

As Francesco Fullone said i had too a great time during the workshop.

- running code on you machine
- small step for each git commit
- enough break during the entire workshop

- i hadn't enough time to spend to try what i was learning
- my concentration fell a lot starting from mid afternoon

- I agree with Francesco to stay more focused on node.js(maybe cutting a part of the Federico's speech) and leave some time to try code something in node. I would like to have the morning and the first part of the afternoon spent on theoretical stuff and the some time (let say two hours) to try to do exercices with node.js.

Anyway well done guys!

Epic achievement with little chances of success.

I think you cannot do better than this in Presenting a commercial product Examples and command instead of prices. Buongiorno :O)

Agree w/ Federico, not a good choice for a keynote, could have been a great workshop

Very very intense but great. Couldn't have been better than this. Thanks Golo!

I had a great time and learn a lot on nodejs architecture.

I really appreciated Gabriele's part while the Federico's session (excellent in the form it was communicated) was IMHO not really glued with the rest of the workshop (why you tested a different base code?).

I'd love the idea to spend first half of the workshop on theory (with code insight) and the last half building/hacking something "for real".

Next time introduce/teach less things and give us time to try it.

Gran bel lavoro, come al solito direi :-)
Alcuni commenti/osservazioni sparse
- mi è piaciuto l'uso della lavagna. Punterei ancora di più su quella (o qualche slide) per spiegare i concetti in generale, cosa che si riesce a fare difficilmente col codice
- avere un copia del codice è stato utile (soprattutto per uno studio a posteriori),
- avere un progetto funzionante sulla propria macchina col senno di poi non era così fondamentale. Gli argomenti trattati erano molti e questo non ha lasciato praticamente spazio per esperimenti propri
- forse avrei eliminato/compresso qualche argomento cercando di "chiudere il giro" facendo un deploy di qualcosa di funzionante