Talk comments

100% agree that the rubber duck can be the best of all the debugging tools IF YOU ACTUALLY USE IT. (most of you won't, which is unfortunate) I have a bunch of new tools to play with after seeing first-hand what they can do.

I love the idea behind PPI and I'm excited to try out PPI with my Laravel project. Great code-snippet examples were given. This seems like a tangible example of the power of the FIG and PSR-compliant frameworks. If you are someone who wants to be more involved in the PHP community, try this out and give the Devs your feedback!

The only way this talk would have been better is if we gave Brian 3 hours to go through each tip in more detail. I also like how Brian referenced from where he learned each tip, rather than just preaching. I'm planning to print out the "summary" slide and go through it with my code and see what I can apply.

It was awesome to have a talk on how to prepare for PHP7 from such an engaging, talented speaker. Thanks Cal for yet another great talk! And thanks for teaching us how to properly pronounce CSPRNG ;)

Nice overview of the types of test coverage and why they are important. Also, I agree with Geri's comment. most articles/talks I've seen on this subject don't do a great job of explaining how to start building unit tests into a legacy application with no/poor tests.

Great to see how data structures are going to improve from the perspective of an internals dev. There are going to be a lot of companies/projects that won't be able to upgrade to PHP7 for quite some time and these workarounds will be useful until then. And when you do upgrade, looking for workarounds like these can help you simplify your code. Awesome job!

Great overview of what PHP 7 means for developers. Favorite talk of the event. Cal is a natural presenter!

Thanks for the feedback @phpcodecrafting.

Feel free to reach out me if you need any additional information.