Talk comments

Rusty Keele at 22:40 on 16 Jul 2016

Even though I am barely a beginner in vim, I learned about some very cool plug-ins and useful commands. Very good content, and presented in a clear and enjoyable manner. Especially loved the foot peddle thing that allowed us to see what he was typing!

Well done presentation! I wouldn't have guessed it was your first keynote. My favorite part was the discussion on community and inclusiveness. It inspires me to make the communities I'm in as accepting as I can.

on Keynote

Thanks, Andrew and Shaun for your feedback. It was my first shot at presenting this subject, so I really appreciate the advice, and I think both of you are spot on. I am going to prepare a modified deck with less overview (reduce the complexity) and more details about the workers and communication between the pieces of the system.

Here is the doc with additional resources:

Thank you all for coming!

Rusty gave a really good talk about a great subject. I've long thought that the history of CS should be taught in school alongside the algorithms themselves. Then the young whipper-snappers could better appreciate the tech that came before, and then maybe they'd stop re-inventing cloud-versions of everything that already existed!

Rusty was able to persuade the audience why each of these books deserved its place on the list through an explanation of the slice of history it covered and one or two interesting stories contained therein. Very enjoyable.

I came into this talk about midway through - is the complete list of books available somewhere online?

After Travis' great presentation, I'm definitely going to give Spacemacs a spin. He was very knowledgeable about his subject, and he's the first "Emacs guy" who has been able to so much as tempt me away from Vim!

As a new user group president, I found this presentation extremely helpful. I had a ton of my questions answered, from boosting attendance, finding sponsors, meetup ideas, and organization. John also spent time answering additional questions afterwards which was a huge bonus. The slides were clean and concise, the pace was great, John spoke clearly without rushing, and many helpful tips were given that I had never even considered or thought about. The talk abstract was accurate and the talk stayed focused on what I had hoped to hear. Excellent talk and highly recommended.

Could you please post the slides or share a link? Thanks!

Jessica was well prepared and demonstrated deep experience with TDD and BDD. Presentation was well organized, hand-out was helpful, and examples were good. Well done!

Anonymous at 11:49 on 16 Jul 2016

Great class! He had all the slides and a working demo and was able to answer everyone's questions. Hope he comes back next year!

Gwen Knight at 22:05 on 15 Jul 2016

Was all new to me. She said to tweet her for the slides @ieatkillerbees