Really interesting talk! I learned some new cool tricks I can use. It's clear you know a lot about the subject you're talking about.
Leuke en interessante presentatie. Leuk om te zien hoe de webrichtlijnen ervoor staan tegenwoordig. Af en toe was de presentatie wel wat chaotisch, wanneer beide heren door elkaar gingen praten. Al met al in ieder geval heel nuttig geweest om bij te wonen.
I found the topic to be interesting. Due to the way it was presented I slowly started to lose interest and found myself reading tweets. Bad bad me.. :(
My feedback: Spoken English is good and was pleasant to listen to. Try to find a few ways to interact more with the public. For example walk around a bit while talking instead of staying close to the PC. Try play with intonations in voice on certain parts while preparing for the talks and see the difference in how the public perceives it.
Learned again a few important rules, realizing I'm sitting on a bunch of hard to test legacy code.
Little boring but interesting topic
Nice sales pitch of Adobe but intersting
Pretty good story about a hated subject ;)
Very interesting because I not heard of it before.
Good talker, is nice and slow but not boring. Interacts with the audience well and repeats questions asked by the audience (big bonuspoint!)
Only point of improvement I can think of is to have less of a Dutch accent :p but from my experience that is not very easy.. but other than that it I understand it all perfectly well.
Great talk though I had to share a tear about the code sample... Other then that, very good!
I like the (very) familiar tactics and the familiar problems. I'm somewhat glad to hear that there is no "one size fits all" solution.. yet.
attension. Great talk for such a young man.