Great to see the german usergroup history and where other usergroup organizers are struggeling with.
Also great to get the importance of volunteers underlined.
Step by step instructions are amazing!
I appreciate measurements.
But I really believe it can be shorter, more emotional, with simple ptactical usages
Great talk with good slides.
But I wish there was an example to get feedback to the client after processing a message.
I have to say I now understand The difference between UTF-8/16 and 32, and it was explained in a funny and comprehensive way.
Good talk. A good Gideline, witch sounds easy to follow.
Excellent talk, I have to try kubernetes now ;)
Interesting talk with good ideas to minimize deployment problems
Nice talk with some good guidelines that you should follow
Great talk :) Good mixture between code demo and explanation slides.
There is only one thing I would like to see improved: The schema that shows the various components of a kubernetes cluster is not very understandable for beginners to the topic. Maybe add more labels ?