After using JWT in a couple of applications, and understanding the functionality, finally clicked on a few of the core concepts.
I've never really properly considered the PHP community, a great eye opener
This talk has whetted my appetite for spending some time learning about Alexa. I also learned that live coding is hard (much like pair coding when a vastly experienced developer is looking over your shoulder... scary stuff). No PHP in the talk, but definitely something worth learning more about.
Great talk, really enjoyed it!
The topic has great potential, but I really expected a wider reach. Essentially fun and thought provoking, but still feels like there's way more that could be said on this topic.
I use JWT every day but still learnt some new stuff! Thanks for the awesome talk!
Interesting talk, good intro to a useful addition to Laravel.
A solid talk, a good introduction into a package that I think I'll be using very soon!
Great end of day one, a very uplifting talk to introduce more people to the benefits of contributing to open source.
A really hands-on introduction, would've have loved to hear this one before the introduction of JOSE. Not too long, a great Q&A session, which really added more value to the talk itself.