truly inspiring - thank you
An excellent talk, giving insight into more than just technical PHP stuff, which I like a lot.
Interesting talk, hard to pitch at an unknown audience experience level, hence http / rest explanation required. Nice to see the ZF example, state pattern etc. Think a picture or two might have helped things flow along, even it it's only train site pics or similar. Drink water :)
Interesting talk, complex subject, not sure too many in the audience will ever have the opportunity to explore these things. Well presented in general, though echo previous comment real world examples help plant it in our minds.
Great opener for the conference,engaging speaker with a lively fun manner - other speakers should take note :)
Good set of topics covered, glad to see PHP5.3 is finally catching up with it's cousins!
Nice to see the flex to air switch in under a minute - that was the buzz moment, unfortunately live coding always seems to have large lulls in the flow of the talk - maybe try more "here's one I prepared earlier", keeps your audience with you more :)
Cool talk, a big improvement over your phpNW talk. More detail and more confidence.
Enjoyed hearing a good overview on symphony as I'm currently playing with Zend Framework.
Great explanation with clear code samples of the new features coming out in 5.3. After this talk I am inspired to get a copy of 5.3 and test it and the new features. It is a significant release.
Great talk taking an interesting tangent from the usual technical viewpoint.