This was a great talk where I would really like to see a longer version of. It was a great update for somebody who uses Wordpress but isn't following development too closely.
The only thing that I was missing, is how to get into Wordpress Core development. That part would fit great in a longer talk. I hope to see this talk another time, but at a longer speakerslot.
I did not know about JWT before attending your talk, thanks for the introduction.
You just made Kubernetes understandable to me, great job!
You just made Kubernetes understandable to me, great job!
Thank you. You really got me inspired. I look forward to investigating various options for Event Sourcing, including Sauce.
Thanks a ton for sharing the good, the bad and the ugly. You touched on so many subjects I have been thinking about and it's good to see someone has the similar concerns and also real life experience with them.
MyComment extends PreviousComments {
// just a very good talk, useful information, lots of inspiration, thank you.
Good content, I learned that there is more involved than I thought. You might want to work a bit on your presentation style though. It could be more lively and articulated. But then again, content matters most.
I already knew about Generators and some advanced usages of them so I have to say that I only learned a few new things. The talk itself was well delivered and your Texan accent was not really noticable :) . However : my main problem with the talk was that it quickly escalated in the wrong direction : although the Raffler project was immensely interesting, at the time I failed to see the connection with Generators at all - only now (reviewing at home) I am slowly discovering what you were actually trying to do / demonstrate. I can image that others did not completely understood that.
The content was really good in my opinion. I was also really happy to make your acquaintance, knowing the guy behind CodeCeption is awesome. Unfortunately for me there was no new insight in the talk, I practice what you preach basically. This is reassuring, but of course I had hoped to learn some new things as well.