Talk comments

Very interesting topic. I'd say the talk was a little bit basic, but apart from that very informativ.

Robert Walker at 09:42 on 20 May 2016

Well explained and much informative news.
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Although it's not always easy to explain such architectural style, the speaker has been really straightforward.
I really appreciated how he have explained his experience, and specially why they have used DDD to face critical business problems. Kudos to the idea to use Bounded Context through API!!

Funny talk, it inspired me. Its goal was to inspire developers: it did, but it wasn't so much original.

Really good, http2 overview and details in a single talk: awesome!

orininal and very abstract topic - too much for me, but not for others

Thank you Jordi for this useful recap on "regexps" ;)

I just can't get enough... Security is crucial. Thanks for your advices!