Very useful talk, straight to the point
Quite interesting
No doubt that the presentation was good and well executed, unfortunately if you have a basic knowledge of what WP can do you can't appreciate too much WP-CLI characteristics and strengts in a short presentation
Great talk, but if you close id with another Shrek reference like for example:
"Please keep off of the grass
Shine your shoes, wipe your... comments!"
It would be spectacular!
Joking aside, very good explanations, thank you!
It's not always an easy task present new features in a clear and interesting way... well done!
Nice talk and well explained, I cannot rate it to max level only because it was (in my opinion) a little bit too much Laravel oriented.
Unexpected starting talk with a true life story, thank you very much for sharing your experience with the audience!
Inspiring talk with a very broad vision on ourp profession as PHP developer.
This speech was about 20 lessons/tips stemming from 20 years of PHP and deserved a 5 talks already from #5.
Moving, inspiring and encouraging.
Thank you Sarah.
Great talk and very helpful and formative.