Talk comments

On that stage, you were a monster. An engaging and interesting talk. Well done. amazing.

I took pages and pages of notes, and my gallery is full of photos of your presentation. Definitely a lot of insights. I will try to do a lightning talk based on this experience. Thank you very much again.

Thank you for sharing your experience. It was intensive and emotional.

Great. Super clear and fun. I also really enjoyed the lightning talk.

Clear and straight to the point. Thank you very much for the real case examples.
The initial part about how the magic of the LLM works was extremely interesting

Never predictable, always clear, and always with a critical and technical perspective.
When I grow up, I want to be like you. Well done, Bravo!
I will have to face the "messenger" monster in the next quarter. Thank you for making my life easier.

A very interesting talk. It was super fun when nothing was working! I appreciated the strength and tenacity to make things work. Well done!
I'm not sure if you made me want to write in C.

The talk was truly inspiring, and the metaphor with cooking was a delightful touch. However, for future presentations, I recommend emphasizing the ‘why’ behind these principles, especially when discussing the importance of building a scalable codebase

The WP-CLI presents a promising solution for a variety of use cases. However, as others have noted, the demo seemed to target novice developers. For future presentations, it might suggest to explore and showcase some more sophisticated applications to fully demonstrate the tool’s capabilities.