Excellent summary! Covered all the questions I had, and I feel I could show the slides to anyone in the company who needed convincing on PWAs.
I agree with the comments about some of the diagrams being a little small, and I think the slide transitions were distracting as you often went back and forth to emphasise points.
Great talk. Only issues were a double open parentheses and some text wasn't legible on the background in a flow diagram.
Would have liked more detail, because it's a genuinely intriguing topic. Cheeky ask: maybe a demo?
Also I failed a spam check submitting this comment.
Very informative introduction from a man who really seems to know his stuff on the topic. Good listing of resources for anyone wanting to read more into it. Handled questions very well at the end!
I've seen Ismael's talk before at PHP South Wales, but even with this foresight into the talk, Ismael has still kept my attention, and thrown in some humour too (Mummy Web, Daddy Native; Baby PWA. - haha).
Although I enjoyed it, it would be great to see some examples of code (such as the manifest file), and maybe an example site for those who've not seen a PWA site (PHP South Wales' website is PWA for those looking for one).
"Google have Android" add an asterisk because of the new legislation...
I enjoyed that you didn't just read from the slides, and that you supplemented the information on the slides when you did. Very engaging delivery.
I LOVED learning about the history, the WHY of PWA.
What's 'bounce rate'? Not everyone could see the logos, perhaps point out some prominent stats from your stats slides and then read out some of the brand's instead of reading almost all of one and none of the other.
What's a PWA? A loooong list. Difference between strategies and architectures?? Where's the list from, your own analysis or sources? (Later: I get it, it's your plan. Please say "This is the breakdown I will go thru today" or something - it didn't feel like a title slide).
Not everyone knows what a service worker is, thanks for explaining :)
At capabilities I needed a pause to digest, or a cat picture. Perhaps introduce the slide before moving onto it.
Umming and ahhing, not humming :)
You mention web manifest in capabilities. All me about that.
I need some images, between all the bullet points.
I like the technical concepts you talk about during the architecture bit. Feels useful and helps cement the role of the architecture in my PWA.
Would like to see an example of integrating the tools, or be told where it fits into my code. I feel like the tools bit could have been multiple slides.
You keep using the word'progressive' and I'm not sure which definition you're using because I'm not sure whether you defined it initially explicitly word for word in the context of PWA.
Interesting thoughts on so stores!
Font in "from website to PWA" flow chart is unclear. Big it, bold it. Pause for effect on this slide. Move this slide to the end, move avoid slide one back.
In case my battery dies I thought I'd better tell you it was excellent.