In August join us at DeskLodge for talks about Background workers and Mindfulness for Developers.

Wednesday 14th August 2019

The benefits of background workers
Talk by Dan Ackroyd (50 minutes)

Some things that need to be processed in a web based application can take a long time to run. Moving this work to be done in a background worker can provide lots of benefits for the user and make your life easier as a developer. Dan's going to talk about this stuff, going through exactly what the problems are, how to implement background workers, and the diverse benefits they give.

Mindfulness for Developers: Calmness for Coders - wellbeing in the tech workplace
Talk by Arabella Tresilian (50 minutes)

The developer’s brain works hard. Billions of neurons hyperwire to enable the coder to think multidimensionally for hours a day, under complex deadlines, day after day. An understanding of what keeps the brain/mind fresh makes for a more fulfilling and productive career. This interactive session gives participants an overview of neuropsychology for the coding mind, and presents them with a go-to tool for keeping their workplace brain-state healthy, calm and balanced. Arabella is a workplace and civil mediator, specialising in conflict prevention and mental health. She is an associate trainer to the charity Mind, leading on corporate workplace wellbeing training for the Bath region, and she's also a certified Mental Health First Aider. Most of her family members seem to be developers now, and she works from the heart of the tech world in Bath, at the Guild Co-Working Hub. Following a diagnosis of autism in her thirties, she set about hacking her mind to establish better mental health for herself, and now shares her learning with others. Find out more at