Talk comments

Roussetos at 08:28 on 14 Nov 2019

Great introduction to an interesting tool that acts as an interface for fetching content across multiple services/websites.

This could be a great standard for the purpose of embedding content!

Very good presentation with the minimum required tech to use it.

Nicely delivered!

on oEmbed

Roussetos at 08:15 on 14 Nov 2019

Food for thought and reflection time on how much time we spend on tech devices and how to avoid it.

I really liked the talk but I just feel that the slides were not that helpful if you were sitting in the back (well, that could be my bad, but that's a personal preference).
Contrast on dark background and some screenshots' resolution were not that helpful.

Apart from that, bringing awareness on this is really great

Roussetos at 08:09 on 14 Nov 2019

Nice introduction into a subject that not a lot of people would think of doing!

Well delivered with appropriate references to follow them if interested.

Roussetos at 08:08 on 14 Nov 2019

An important topic that people miss or misunderstand. Diversity across STEM (and not only)!

This presentation provides awareness and initiate people to think and that's the most important aspect.

Good delivery, with really good slides, readable with care on the artistic aspect and some great suggestions on how to shift mindsets.

If I had one suggestion, it would be to provide some reference and facts to support some of the bullet points.

Understanding the limited time, this should be incorporated in a longer talk as well.

Nice one!

Roussetos at 08:02 on 14 Nov 2019

A fun, enjoyable and utterly british way to end the night!

/love to the package implementation

Sam R. at 23:38 on 13 Nov 2019

Reasonably interesting talk on localisation, something a lot of us developers probably like to ignore because it's seen as hassle. Certainly things presented (such as clearly different names for input fields) that I didn't know were an issue.

Sam R. at 23:29 on 13 Nov 2019

A good concept that I've not heard of in this way before, but I did struggle to digest all the information. Possibly down to the limited visual information/examples or simply too much content for a lightning talk.

Sam R. at 23:25 on 13 Nov 2019

Really well put together simple and understandable introduction to usability and accessibility. Pacing worked reasonably well and ideas and concepts were presented clearly.

Would have been nice to look more at the tooling available to help developers with accessibility but in such a short amount of time providing the resources for us to find things out ourselves is perfectly acceptable.

I'd actually be interested in further talks or workshops on the subject following this talk, which can only be a good thing!

Sam R. at 23:20 on 13 Nov 2019

Really well paced and structured. Clearly presented and good audience engagement.

Sam R. at 23:19 on 13 Nov 2019

A fun way to end the talks, something light hearted and a bit of fun. Well presented and a pretty good build up of the different GB PHP methods and names!