Talk comments

A good talk, practical and useful for someone who has been dabbling in APIs but is also "figuring it out" much of the time. This helped provide some clarity on certain subjects.

So begins the talk drilling the importance of consistency... which I could do better. So, takeaways already. The reminder regarding accessible documentation is also important. So yeah, good introduction, high level, the talk set the stage for the day quite well.

David Sutphin at 19:31 on 23 May 2019

Great info on how to write tests.

David Sutphin at 19:02 on 23 May 2019

I learned that what I thought were called mocks are actually called doubles from this.

David Sutphin at 18:46 on 23 May 2019

Good intro to testing.

David Sutphin at 18:42 on 23 May 2019

This one was good.

David Sutphin at 17:30 on 23 May 2019

This was one of my favorites. I enjoyed following along as the speaker built a few tests in PHPUnit from scratch.

David Sutphin at 17:09 on 23 May 2019

Great overview of some test-adjacent tools and and how to use them.

David Sutphin at 17:01 on 23 May 2019

Good overview of tools and techniques you could use to test your PHP code.

Eric Mann at 15:56 on 23 May 2019

Great illustrations of stream manipulation and appropriate resource management when leveraging large amounts of data!