Marco shared his really profound talk about event sourcing and gave a broad overview over the topic and how he uses it. Minor issues with the presentation couldn't hinder him to give us the whole nine yards of event sourcing.
Marko's talk was great, as usual. Love the slides and it's a pity he can't really share them online. Even if you're not familiar with event sourcing concepts and do not plan to use that in your projects, it's always useful to try another angle for viewing the same problems.
P.S. The slides and the code shown in the presentation reveal some code management approaches I've never used before (don't really know why :) ) but am willing to adopt now.
Thanks Marko and keep up the great job!
Totally agree with Marco: almost for any application on the web dates and time handling is always a pain, especially when your clients are all over the globe. Great talk!
Good talk with many thought-provoking impulses.
The good, the bad and the ...
Great talk about confusing time zone problems. Know I know that my home country has two time zones.
We think we know how time works by watching our clocks or using timestamps but those insides which Andreas told in a very humorous and informative way were mindblowing. Very good talk and I really loved how Andreas went from general explanations about times to coding relevant time. Worth to listen even if you're not a PHP coder.
Very good talk about on very complex topic. I will not lie, parts (a lot) of the topic went over my head but the general idea and concept sunk in. I also loved how open Marco was about what was good, bad and ugly about building your application in this way.
So now I know how timezones came into being and how messed up they are. The only thing left to do is figure out how to kill them with fire.
I am now genuinely scared of date/time/timezones.
Would not like to see this again, but it was a very needed talk.
I know way more about timezones and time that I ever wanted. It scares me and I hope I can sleep again in a week or two ;)
Andreas has deep knowledge about the topic and was able to share the oddities of human time measurement with us.