Talk comments

Claudio at 10:35 on 28 Feb 2017

A misleading title for an interesting backup tool. The phpbu project seems to cover many cases for backups for many parts of a project and there are still ways to improve it with new features, that can be implemented into phpbu source code or project-specific functionalities included in a bootstrap file.

Claudio at 10:30 on 28 Feb 2017

My first insight into Zend Expressive and I think it is Zend Impressive. It showed the benefits of the Architecture on Symfony 1 and Zend 1 projects, but there wasn't enough time to go into more details. The important steps were covered.

Great talk about a way to modernize your legacy application without modernizing it :)
Very interesting approach to transform ZF1 or SF1 applications into "REST" APIs, this could be useful in the near future.

Good insights of what you can do with Expressive to migrate your legacy app over time.

Solid presentation of a solid tool. Did not know about phpbu before, will definitely give it a try.

Marco Pivetta at 21:58 on 23 Feb 2017

Introduced a huge amount of knowledge about a vital tool: kudos for covering many of the edge-case scenarios in the presentation.

Marco Pivetta at 21:57 on 23 Feb 2017

Excellent overview of how to gradually move to expressive from legacy applications, but need to improve font size and highlight relevant snippets upfront.