JRF FTW! Basic enough for me to write my first plugin.
Good talk! This is a tool that I'll definitely plan to use in my applications.
A very well delivered and presented argument concerning how to deal with time in an international fashion. Anyone preparing to create an app or site that deals with international functionality based on time should definitely get a chance to spend an hour listening to Ms. Wong.
A great talk. Made me consider who I would consider to be a good person to start a local group where I live.
I hope this talk is given in a somewhat larger room next time! The talk went really well. Well laid out and well delivered.
This was a great keynote. I have always wondered how people overcame the inherent flaws in communicating via electronic means when the content was emotionally charged. Many of the devs I know take the comments about their code personally and can, on occasion, rage about what they consider 'proper coding' and 'required' elements. As I get better as a developer, I have wondered how open-source managers try to digitally herd cats and solve interpersonal issues.
Great overview of what is new and shiny with Drupal 8 and I don't think anyone comes close to matching Mr. Garfield's enthusiasm for Drupal. I wish I knew more about Drupal and had a better idea of how to phrase my questions about Drupal better. I look forward to seeing you speak again in the future, after I have had more experience with Drupal and can ask you better questions.
Interesting talk. Having served in the military, I have kept an ear open for discussions relating to how the gov't handles such issues now. With the process now leading toward independent contract work rather than actual gov't employment, I have lost some interest. It seems that rather than change it's methodology, they have added the step of 'save the project with independent contracts once it has totally bitten the dust' added to their workflow.
Learned a few things conceptually about git and github, but this was more of a lecture than a tutorial.
It was great to hear what PHP-FIG has done and what its plans are for the future.