This was probably the biggest surprise! A very good introduction to a very novel topic
Excellent talk by Ives, it was really interesting to envision the future of web development tooling with him
Insightful and fun!
Micheal is really a great speaker! It was really fun watching him live coding react router!
Expected more advanced talk, rather then really really basic example how router works
It was more a fun story from an office trip then something usefull.
The topic has potential, the speaker described it quite well, nice the tale of the air travel that lead to the project, but I had the feel it isn't resolved in any useful information.
Topic was not so "advanced" so maybe people expected something different, however a good recap of React the Good Part.
This has been a really new approach to React programming, I this function generator approach mind-blowing.
This was a 5/5 talk (probably the best of the conference), but on the other hand I don't liked (or probably didn't understand) that much the Behavioral Programming introduction, I found slides someway confusing.
The workshop was pretty perfect, well explained, with a lot of exercises, congratulations