Good to see this is being discussed, as many in our profession, been there, done that, have the medication. ;-)
Improvement point: try to speak to the audience more, instead of reading your text from a screen.
Good speaker, entertaining, able to keep the audience engaged.
Some topics a perhaps bit too much related to the actual situation of the speaker, and therefore not always spot on for a wider audience.
For example the latency issue when using a synchroneous DB cluster. If you have that problem, you either selected the wrong solution for your problem, or the wrong hardware. It is not an argument not to use such a cluster...
Good speaker, entertaining, able to keep the audience engaged. Very interesting topic too !
Awesome talk, several items for me to take away and use for my place of work.
I said it before it's a great talk. And great to get the subject out there.
Maybe you could spend less time at your story and focus more on what you do today to prevent your issues?
Nice introduction into Go. It would be interesting to do workshop or something.
Oh, and more GIFs!
Well presented, particularly liked the transparency theme and the things you can do internally to have a more open culture. Interesting to hear about what worked well at Pagerduty and GitLab.
As ever an entertaining talk.
Thoroughly enjoyed the talk. Made me properly think about how we do things at my work. Although due to the nature of the work we do we would not be able to embrace everything but certainly can in areas.
As always, very good.
My entire Uni course in compiler design flashed by in less than an hour. Where were you 30-odd years ago when I was given a syntax specification, an input source file, and the assignment "write a lexer, parser and compiler (in pascal !), and when done, run the source file and hand in the results"... ;-)